Serializations of the Hitherby Dragons novels

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Jane, having been left alone with a giant sun-eating wolf, sulks.

She punches the wolf. Then she feels guilty and she pats the wolf. Then she pushes it into the closet and tries to ignore it.

“I wouldn’t feed you the sun even if I had it,” she says, missing Martin.

The wolf, whose name is Skoll, whines.

Eventually she catches bits of sunlight in water and brings it in to the wolf. Also candles. The wolf eats the candles, but only if she lights them. She gripes about this too.

“I’m not supposed to play with fire,” Jane says.

She lights the candles. She juggles them. She throws them into the wolf’s mouth. He snaps them out of the air, one, two, three!

Children should not do this. Not ever. Not even if they have a wolf.



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