Serializations of the Hitherby Dragons novels

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Mr. Matsuda, the inventor of the Konami Thunder Dance, is dead.

He dreams as he dreamed in life.

In his dreams he is standing in a field of red and lightning; red petals, red flowers, red silks, and the argent fire of the clouds.

He is standing in a single still spot of the storm.

A man is there. The man is wearing a hat. Mr. Matsuda cannot see the color of the hat.

“This world should run on love,” says the man, “and not on hate.”

The man shows Mr. Matsuda the world in the palm of his hand. It is spinning. There is red fluttering around Mr. Matsuda. He tastes of the air and it is like drinking cranberry juice: it is cold and crisp and pure in him and its flavor makes him strong.

The man in the hat reaches his other hand for Mr. Matsuda.

“The world,” he repeats, “should run on love, and not on hate; and people should know how beautiful they are.”



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